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The latest issue of the Costume Journal has just come back from the printers and features articles by Jennifer Triemstra-Johnston on The Language of the Plain Sewing Sampler, Elaine Mackay on 16th Century Seaman Clothing, Eve Townsend on the Jewellery and Wardrobe Collections of Georgina and Eleanor Luxton, and Ingrid Mida on The Recollection of the Ryerson Fashion Research Collection.

Only paid members of the CSO will be receiving this journal either by attending the AGM or through the post. Sign up on membership page




The latest elegant and fascinating issue of the Costume Journal, Volume 43, Number 1 has just been printed. The Journal has been redesigned by the Journal’s new editor Ingrid Mida with the assistance of intern Jazmin Welch, and includes articles by members Alexandra Kim, Julia Pine, Jenifer Forest and Ashley Sivil. This special issue is a celebration of Canadian fashion and is called “Oh Canada!”.  The Journal is mailed to all members. To become a member visit the membership page of this website for a form to download and fill in.




All CSO members will soon been receiving their copy of the latest edition of the CSO newsletter which will be sent out week beginning 4 March.  The newsletter contains an introduction from our new editor Ingrid Mida, explaining what we can look forward to in CSO publications of the coming year, a report by Dale Peers on the fabulous dress conference held in Florence last November and a list of the new CSO committee.


If you’re interested in receiving and copy and would like to become a member of the CSO you can find details about how to join on the membership page.


COSTUME JOURNAL Vol. 42, #2 December 2012

The latest edition of the Costume Journal was delivered to members of the Costume Society of Ontario in December 2012.  It was the last edition produced by Suzanne McLean who over the last few months before the 2012 AGM was Acting Chair of the Society, as well as putting together this elegant edition.

The journal gives details of costume exhibitions and events in Toronto, Canada and internationally, along with details of activity at the Fashion History Museum, written by Kenn Norman, the co-Founder of the Museum, including the mounting of  the Museum’s exhibition Shoe Story in the Middle East.

An article by Robert Doyle explores the development of masculine dress and the relationship between the Scottish kilt and Englishman’s suit.  The Journal is rounded off by an enticing list of newly published books.

If you’d like to receive editions of Costume Journal become a member of the Costume Society of Ontario by filling in one of our membership application forms from the Membership page.

Posted on 17 February 2013 at 4:37 pm in Costume related, Costumed Events, Events, Publications |  RSS feed |  Respond |  Trackback URL | Edit this entry.

COSTUME JOURNAL, the first of two issues planned for 2010, has been mailed to CSO members. Between these they receive a number of NEWS sheets, and an annual Membership Directory. (Between mailings members who have indicated they wish to be notified by e-mail  are also alerted to events of possible interest.)

This Costume Journal is a bumper issue, with colour photos on front and back covers, groups of these on inside of covers, plus lots of fascinating black/white scans throughout its 36 pages. It would be enough to draw most costume enthusiasts to sign on to receive all these publications! But a visitor to this site cannot savour the Costume Journal, so our entry here can only try to convey the wealth of material carried by our main publication! If we succeed, you can call up a form on the membership page to receive this outstanding bonus of membership.

A major article is “A Lace Sojourn in Belgium: A Self-Guided Study Tour,” by Nancy Pye. The author, a lace maker and teacher, planned her own route to examine and study antique laces. She gives us a rare and satisfying discussion of a highly complex subject, following various lace- making techniques as they developed, from the 1500s on, in the Flanders and Brabant regions of modern Belgium. Luckily for us, they included both major divisions of handmade laces: bobbin and needlepoint. Fortunate for us too that the author presents in-depth descriptions, terminology, dates and places for the treasures in the collections she visited, while preserving exceptional clarity.  (Lace is as complex a subject to discuss as are the airy designs of these marvels of textile art.)  Shown here is just one of the many photos, this showing part of the process of needlepoint lace making, creating “punto in aria” or “stitches in air.”


That is just one article! There is an excellent review by Dale Peers of the Hand & Lock Seminar on embroidery open to CSO members, given at Seneca College on March 22nd, 2010. Photos, including two in colour, show embroidered samples on view at the lecture, and there is a colour shot of part of the Seneca College Fashion Resource Centre costume storage area, taken on a post-lecture tour.

There are also briefer reviews of: a symposium on American Style held at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), New York; an exhibition, “Night and Day,” of 70 pieces of daywear and eveningwear over 250 years, also at FIT; and a survey of bridal gown fashions at the Niagara Falls Wedding & Fashion Museum.

Besides these there is a very full review of “Clothing for the Warrior & the Courtier: Patterns of Sixteenth Century European Court Dress,” the Veronika Gervers Memorial Lecture given at the ROM February 17th. The reviewer manages to convey to us who could not be present the electric atmosphere created by Jennifer Tiramani, including images of textiles,  16th century costume and portraits, adding up to a riveting presentation. She showed the demanding procedure in going from a period garment through a pattern to create garments for actors that look and even fit in a period way.

Costume Journal runs features exploring the work of outstanding members of the CSO, in this case a most satisfying Profile of Tracy Gorman, who produces an amazing number of costumes for display, use in City of Toronto museums or for Heritage Services programs, working in a room at the top of historic Spadina House. Through text and photos the reader gets an excellent introduction to this talented “costume technician,”  who can conjure up (with lots of research, skill and demanding handiwork) items from 1812 Red Coat uniforms for Fort York soldiers to a stunning copy of a 1926 Lanvin ensemble (slip dress, coat dress and hat),  worn by a story-teller in 2009 and then put on display.

That is just a look at some highlights of Volume 40 of COSTUME JOURNAL. In November the Costume Society of Ontario will mark  its 40th Anniversary. For some years after its founding in November 1970, members received a delightful, idiosyncratic publication created by costume collector Alan Suddon, who worked in the Fine Arts area of the main Toronto Reference Library. Alan read widely, extracted and typed up many memorable items for the CSO Newsletter, for 14 years, starting from early 1971. After Alan gave up his editorial post,  the CSO Newsletter was produced by various dedicated Executive members, alone or in groups; this changed to Costume Journal  partway through 1990. Costume Journal has kept the diverse flavour of articles, reviews of events or exhibitions; new book releases; listing of upcoming events members might find interesting including while traveling; listing of new resources, especially books and catalogues.

We have attempted to sketch the contents of this latest Costume Journal to give an idea of the fascinating and useful material that comes with a CSO membership. A further significant item is the annual Membership Directory (out early summer), listing members with their expertise and interests—a very solid and valuable link among those keen on the varied aspects of costume and textiles interest.

For references to earlier items go to Post  Archives – Publications, and click on “earlier entries.”