Costume Society of Ontario at the Spring vintage fair
Again this year, the Costume Society of Ontario will have a booth at the Spring Vintage/Antique Show and Sale, Saturday March 5 and Sunday March 6 at the Queen Elizabeth Building at Exhibition Place.
Come out and explore wearable and household history from across the years. Drop by the CSO booth to hear the latest on what we’re up to and help out by bringing along friends and neighbours interested in fashion and costume as new CSO members! This is an exciting year for the CSO as it celebrates 45 years at the forefront of interest in fashion history. What better way to support the cause than to join with Toronto in celebrating fashion through the years at the Vintage Show.
Follow the CSO on our Website and on FaceBook and make sure your membership is up to date so you can continue to receive our E-mail messages of upcoming events and activities. Watch for special announcements about March, April and May! CSO 45 Years Strong!