CSO Annual General Meeting 2015 Saturday November 14, 2015, 1pm
The annual meeting of the CSO will take place at a familiar venue, the Textile Museum of Canada, 55 Centre Street [ just south of Dundas, east of University Avenue ], on Saturday November 14, 2015, starting at 1pm. The museum is easily accessible by transit and parking is located nearby.
Come out and hear the latest news, reconnect with friends and fellow members and join in the delightful discovery of fashion and costume in all their various forms and discuss the impact on society and vice versa of clothing through the ages.
We are pleased to announce that a number of the present Board, whose terms are up, have agreed to stand for re-election. While these stalwarts have elected to stay on, there are still vacancies to fill in the Board and Resource Committee ranks. Important openings remain for a Vice-Chair and a Head of Publications. As well, there are opportunities on the Resource Committee. We always need innovative ideas; sage advice and trusted counsel from our membership which will help us continue and grow. If you are interested in learning more or willing to throw your bowler, topper or fedora into the ring, contact us at costumesocietyontario@gmail.com